Monday, September 12, 2011

Watching the CNN Tea Party Express Republican Debate

After watching this circus for about an half an hour, I think: I see what is going on here.

Ron Paul is actually the star, the debate is literally framed around

Since the establishment is afraid of him, they need to deal with him somehow.

It goes like this, everyone mimics Paul on the issues "approved" by mainstream republicans (issues most none of them held before '09), and then the stage is set to demonize him on the issues where is consistent on the constitution, freedom, and peace.

Romney and Perry are portrayed as the front runners, but in reality they are to serve as the main distraction. It almost goes without saying that it does not matter which of those two are elected, just as long as it is someone who won't challenge the corruption of the state and likes power.

It is actually amusing to hear them rattle off much of what Paul has been saying for 30 years. I suppose I find it amusing that I can see through this state propaganda storm and see that it's all a show, an act, put on simply to inject totalitarian messages into society, here and there, all in a palatable way, of course.

It really is unreal to watch.

And agonizing at the same time.  I am wondering what is the matter with me, why would anyone willingly subject themselves to people who are going to lie to their face for almost two hours.

Guess I was curious.

Next time I'll just wait for someone to put the Ron Paul highlights of the debate on youtube.

But I get the most amusement in knowing that so many others were watching and they could see through the lies and they knew what I knew.

The gig is up boys, we know what's going on.  We're not members of the "greatest" generation, the generation of our fathers, who knew nothing else and still believe your lies. 

Your time is up, state. 

We see you.

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